

A non-profit Organization

STEM Association is a non-profit organization. All revenue from sponsorships and fees is invested in support of our mission, which is to promote STEM education worldwide.

Aims are to bring together young people all over the world to develop their creativity and problem solving skills. We do that by organizing challenging and educational contests based on STEM Methodology.


STEM Association is dedicated to:

·         Offer young people the opportunity to expand their horizons through exploration science Laws

·         Widen the view of young people and encourage them to be our future scientists, engineers, makers and inventors.

·         Help young people acquire 21st century skills like creative thinking, cooperation and confidence.

·         Help introduce the concept of modern science into educational activities.

·         Promote STEM in education worldwide as the sole way to deeper Knowledge.

·         Bring together young people from all over the world to measure their skills and have fun at our annual international final.