
STEM Categories

We offer challenging competitions for students ages 6 to 16. There are three competition categories, each with its own characteristics.

STEM Engineering

Age: Early Elementary: 5-8 | Higher Elementary: 8-13 | Middle School: 12-15
Team size: 6 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Elementary Microbit*
Software: Scratch, Make Code, Mind+
Maximum size: Must fit in 2x2x2m booth


Early Elementary:
Develop a project based on Simple Machines with any materials powered by a battery and motor controlled by a switch. The project helps solve real-world problems.
Higher Elementary 8-13
Develop a project based on Simple Machines with any materials fully automated.
Also, the students will use microbit to take data. The project helps solve real-world problems.

Middle School: 12-15

Develop a project based on Simple Machines with any materials fully automated.
Also, the students will use a microbit to collect data and transfer it to a cloud (IoT). The project helps solve real-world problems.

Our category is a project-based competition. Students create their own innovative, intelligent robotics solutions related to the current theme of the season. The use of materials is not restricted, and students have the freedom to choose any construction materials. The main controller of this category is the Microbit.
On the competition day, teams will present their project and robot model to judges. The judges will not only grade the robot solution but also consider aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Please take a look at the General Rules for this category for all specific rules and regulations.

STEM In Sports
For ages 6-8

Teams of 2-3 students

With a teacher's help, students will build a remote-controlled football player and participate in a football game—students who do not know each other form a team.
Competing as a team highlights the importance of cooperation.

The students will use real robots as real athletes. The hardware is TP BOT with Microbit. The software will be Make Code and Mind+. The structural elements will be Lego-like bricks.
Real athletes will shoot like basketball players, like football players, and run like real athletes.
Regular Robotics

Age: Elementary: 6-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Nezha, Spike
Software: Scratch Python
Maximum size: Max. 25 x 25 x 25 cm
Characteristics: Build and program a robot that solves challenges on a field.

Regular STEM is a challenge-based competition. Students must design, construct and program an autonomous robot to solve specific field challenges. Because the field is set up randomly each round, the robot needs to be able to make its own decisions during the run.

Please take a look at the General Rules for this category for all specific rules and regulations.