

Age: Early Elementary: 6-9 | Higher Elementary: 9-11
Team size: 6 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Elementary Microbit*
Software: Scratch, Make Code, Mind+
Maximum size: Must fit in 2x2x2m booth


Early Elementary:
Develop a project based on Simple Machines with any materials powered by a battery and motor controlled by a switch. The project helps solve real-world problems.
Higher Elementary:
Develop a project based on Simple Machines with any materials fully automated.
Also, the students will use microbit to take data. The project helps solve real-world problems.

Please take a look at the General Rules for this category for all specific rules and regulations.



Students create a fully functional educational robotics project that presents solutions relevant to the challenges humans face in establishing a colony on Mars. Requests, limitations and deliverables are presented in the detailed related document.